Research | Development | Components | Customizing

J+ Engineering is your center of excellence for every aspect of e-vehicle charging technology.
A multidisciplinary research and development team of experienced specialists working in the fields of software, hardware, engineering, and design all working under one roof. J+ Engineering develops product changes and derivatives, white label solutions, components and complex software integration projects within even the tightest timeframes, for customers all around the world.
– Mindset makes the difference –
Now you can benefit from the accumulated experience of J+, makers of the world’s leading portable charging stations. As the only device in its class, the J+ BOOSTER 2 is based on expertise and solutions that can fit seamlessly into your projects.
J+ products and solutions work.
Always. Safe. Compliant.

Research and development
J+ Engineering is the perfect partner for original equipment manufacturers (OEM), electrical utility companies, property companies, and other large power users.
Enjoy the benefits gained from the rapid implementation of custom-tailored solutions or adaptations of the high successfully and globally proven J+ hardware and software.